Project: CLEAR LAB
Company: Couple3 Films
Role: Storyboard, Art Direction, Animation

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to collaborate with the incredible team at Couple3 films in producing these groundbreaking episodes for CLEAR, a feminist and anti-colonial laboratory. Their website clearly outlines their commitment to humility, equity, and fostering positive land relations. Take a sneak peek at some of the creative process below, and be sure to explore the complete collection of these extraordinary episodes using the links provided.  I'm responsible for all the motion graphics, and the opening title sequence.
To watch the whole episode: CLEAR mini-documentaries
Title Sequence
Episode 1 - Labortory Life: Author Order
storyboard + style frames
Episode 2 - Labortory Life: How We Choose Our Values
storyboard + style frames
Episode 3 - Labortory Life: How We Choose Our Values
storyboard + style frames
Hope you have a blast! If you wanna team up and create something cool together, or just have a casual chat about my work, don't hesitate to shoot me an email at, or just hit me up here on Behance! 
Looking forward to hear from you.
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